Showing 126 - 150 of 2,707 Results
Report, Transmitted to the Legislature, Jan. 31, 1867 by York, New York . Legislatur... ISBN: 9781458967381 List Price: $20.00
Report of the Select Committee of the Senate by Senate, New York . Legislat... ISBN: 9781151626998 List Price: $16.55
A Life of Silas Wright 1795-1847, United States Senator From New York 1833-1844, Governor of... by Chancellor, William Estabrook ISBN: 9781151535511 List Price: $13.14
First Report of the Committee on Civil Service of the Senate of the State of New York; Appoi... by Service, New York . Legisla... ISBN: 9781151229656 List Price: $48.72
Journal by New York (State). Legislatu... ISBN: 9781143917462 List Price: $46.75
1895-1905. American National Institute (Prix De Paris) (Paris, France) Founded by Matilda Sm... by American National Institute... ISBN: 9781144427625 List Price: $33.75
Journal by New York (State) Legislatur... ISBN: 9781144736291 List Price: $44.75
Documents of the Senate of the State of New York, Volume 1 by New York (State). Legislatu... ISBN: 9781144751652 List Price: $35.75
Documents of the Senate of the State of New York, Volume 2 by New York (State). Legislatu... ISBN: 9781144747105 List Price: $38.75
Documents of the Senate of the State of New York (1908) by Senate, New York (State). L... ISBN: 9780217699570 List Price: $20.70
Report of the Comm. on General Laws on the Investigation Relative to Trusts; Transmitted Mar... by Laws, New York . Legislatur... ISBN: 9781150017193 List Price: $86.05
Reports of the Select Committee of the Senate on the Affairs of Trinity Church; With the Tes... by Senate, New York . Legislat... ISBN: 9781150479441 List Price: $22.24
Report of the Select Committee Appointed to Investigate the Health Department of the City of... by York, New York . Legislatur... ISBN: 9781150589232 List Price: $27.11
Report and Proceedings of the Joint Committee of the Senate and Assembly; Appointed to Inves... by Trusts, New York . Legislat... ISBN: 9781150589577 List Price: $68.88
Report of Joint Committee of the Senate and Assembly Relative to Taxation for State and Loca... by Taxation, New York . Legisl... ISBN: 9781150699399 List Price: $40.60
Report of the Select Committee Appointed by the Senate to Investigate Into the Management of... by York, New York . Legislatur... ISBN: 9781150700897 List Price: $73.02
Report of the Joint Committee of the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York Appointed ... by Companies, New York . Legis... ISBN: 9781150739040 List Price: $30.77
Testimony Taken Before the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Relative to the Cayuga Indians... by Affairs, New York . Legisla... ISBN: 9781150900358 List Price: $51.49
Journal of the Senate of the State of New-York by Unknown ISBN: 9781150922558 List Price: $47.10
Life and Times of William Samuel Johnson, Ll.d.; First Senator in Congress From Connecticut,... by Beardsley, Eben Edwards ISBN: 9781151089243 List Price: $14.84
Journal of Proceedings of the Senate in the Matter of George W. Smith, Judge of Oneida County by Senate, New York . Legislat... ISBN: 9781151210685 List Price: $60.89
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